Harmonizing Threads of Inspiration: Crafting the Enchanting Soundtrack for Patrick McDowell's Revolutionary Collection

Crafting Synchronized


From the moment the first note took flight, I was immersed in the symphony of McDowell's vision. Weaving the intricate threads of sustainability and queer identity, I fashioned a musical composition that harmonized with the collection's ethos—blending the traditional with the contemporary, much like the fabrics that adorned the runway.

A Sonic Ode to Football

Picture the electrifying energy of a football match—the thud of the ball meeting the foot, the orchestrated rhythm of passes, and the crescendo of cheers from the crowd. My composition sought to encapsulate this kinetic energy, weaving the rhythm of the game seamlessly into the music. The models, guided by the music's cadence, moved as if choreographed by the very pulse of the sport, embodying unity and shared enthusiasm.



