Dreamy and sleek production for an AISTÈ Where you're going today

I had an amazing opportunity to collaborate with AISTÈ on her epic and dreamy hit "Where you're going today". AISTÈ approached me with the desire of classical songwriting with the modern production elements. So I decided to merge 70's classical songwriting with modern sounding production. I found my self refering to techniques which The Beatles were using in Abbey road studios. Mellotron, plate reverbs, piano miking techniques, noise and tape saturation just to name a few. After coming up with the theme and rythm we decided to embrace westernian and nostalgic qualities of the sounds with added shot guns and horse gallops. In that stage it was clear that we are doing new western song which would fit into radio playlists. I'm glad people find it moving and emotional and appraises the song it self. I think that's the magic of classical songwriting where listeners can connect with the artist due to predictible structure, prominant melodies and most importantly connecting message within the song. Grab your headphones and enjoy journey we prepared for you

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Only one


Gimme me back my money